4 August 2014

Chic features sure to impress Amazon Fire

Amazon Fire is a good smartphone, but not all the new high-tech features Amazon is promoting. In fact, some of these characteristics are more tiring than really useful.


Fire phone has everything you really need: fast Internet access, high-quality camera, good maps, and many applications available through its own app store Amazon. However, Amazon has decided to highlight several unusual features on the screen of your phone marketing campaign-"dynamic approach" Firefly feature, and support services Mayday. Unfortunately, this does not impress me much.

Amazon Fire

New tricks seem to resist fire, at least initially. The dynamic point of view, for example, is fine. The use of sensors in each of the four corners on the side of the phone screen, the device can detect how he moves on his face, and use this information to create a 3-D effect on the screen. This represents a slight delighted the audience with my friends, but beyond getting some oh and ah, it does not add much.

Support service Mayday is another unique feature that could be great, especially for beginners, but is not there yet. If you have questions about your phone, simply click on the icon of the distress call of the screen, and within seconds, you are video chatting with someone Amazon help desk (who the person is, but he or she will see the screen of the phone). If necessary, the representative of the Amazon can take control of your phone and will walk you through what you need.

Unfortunately, both times using the service once to ask how to display the time on the screen of my house and once to ask why I received an error message when I tried to take a picture pan-advocates need to climb answers. In the first case, a man picked up my phone and played with it until I figured out how to change the screen (I could have done that). In the second case, a woman had to ask me to hold while she researched.

Mayday is always welcome, if for no other reason why it's good to have people there to help you work through a problem, even if they have an immediate response. In a world of automated customer service, talk to a human being is refreshing.

Finally, the function of the firefly. This is both awesome and unpleasant time. It's great because you can point the phone just about any object and usually recognizes what it is. Firefly does not work at all, but he acknowledged the current issue of MIT Technology Review sat at my desk, and many other objects, like a box of pumpkin and a box of staples. You can also recognize the music as well as TV shows and movies, in case you want to buy something to catch a fragment.

Firefly is unpleasant because it seems a little more than one way to get people to buy more Amazon products. Firefly always recognize an object, the first thing to question is whether you want to buy. Even if the subject is not really a product, it becomes an Amazon. For example, when my friends and I were in our kitchen Firefly-ing, Sam Adams logo on one of our beer glasses became a Samuel Adams Boston Lager metal $ 20.50, and the image of the draft my roommate law Clinton stopped in their iPhone has become the State of the Union Address 2000 Audio CD from $ 10.99.

Despite his new capacity, Amazon phone fire serves only to illustrate the smart phone industry as a whole. With the most technologically prowess device manufacturers working so hard to stand out from the pack, even can start to look like they are trying a little too hard.

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