6 August 2014

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars: susbcribe to your Google calendar from Microsoft Outlook

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars

We show you how to sync your Google and Outlook calendars once and for all.

Google Calendars is a great free online resource that allows you to create a detailed calendar and share it with colleagues and friends alike. However, getting this calendar to sync up with your desktop/laptop's Outlook email client can be a bit niggly. Here's where we show you how to sync Google and Outlook Calendars. See all Internet tutorials.

Note: This will sync your calendar only one way from Google to Outlook. If you make an event on Outlook it will not show up on your Google Calendar, only the reverse. Watch the video embedded at the bottom of the page to find out how to sync calendars both ways. See also How to hide from Google and keep your stuff private.

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars: Step one

Sign in to Google Calendars and locate the calendar you want to sync with Outlook – this can be found to the left of the page under the My calendars heading.

Once you have found the calendar you want to sync, hover the mouse over it until you can see the downward dropdown arrow. Click on this arrow and select Calendar settings.

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars: Step two

Now that you're in Calendar settings you need to find the heading Private Address and click on the ICAL button.

Note: Don't share this URL with anyone as it will give them access to all of your Calendar events.

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars: Step three

Once you have clicked on the Private Address ICAL button a pop-out should appear with a long URL. Right click on this URL and select the option Copy Link Address.

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars: Step four

Now that you have the link address copied to your clipboard you need to open Outlook and go to Tools > Account Settings. You then need to select the Internet Calendars tab and click the New button.

From here all you need to do is past the URL that you copied into the box provided and click Add. From there you need to give the Calendar you are syncing a name and you're good to go.

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars

That's it.

How to Sync Google and Outlook Calendars both ways.

Take a look at this video provided by Google to find out how to sync Outlook and Google calendars both ways.

We will be updating this article with step-by-step instructions of how to do this in the coming days.

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